Infertility refers to difficulty conceiving despite regular sexual intercourse without using birth control. 80 out of 100 couples conceive within a year of trying, and 92 out of 100 within 2 years of trying.
Although there is no definite cut off, the general recommendation is that if you are younger than 35 years old and have been trying for a year, or if you are 35 years and older and have been trying for 6 months – it is time to seek help from a gynaecologist.
If you know that you have certain risk factors that can result in you having a higher chance of having fertility issues, you should seek help earlier. Infertility treatment are common in Singapore.
It depends on the cause.
As a broad overview, there are varying degrees of assisted reproductive techniques:
Depending on the results of your investigations, your gynaecologist will discuss the infertility treatment options that are suitable for you.
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