Ovarian cysts are common gynaecological disorder, occurring in 10-20% of women. Ovarian cysts are […]
At every stage of pregnancy, there is a weight and size estimation of the fetus from 1 to 100th centile (1 being the smallest and 100 being the biggest). If your baby measures at or below the 10th centile on ultrasound scan, that means that you have a small baby.
There are 2 possibilities: baby is meant to be small (but healthy), or there is an issue causing growth restriction where baby cannot grow to his/her full potential (intrauterine growth restriction). In some cases, an exact cause cannot be found and your baby may need some investigations after birth.
If you baby is meant to be small (but healthy), there is no issues with your pregnancy.
If your baby is growth restricted, there is an increased risk of stillbirth (baby’s heartbeat stopping suddenly) or not doing well after birth. This increases your chance of needing a premature delivery. The earlier in pregnancy your baby is diagnosed to be small, and the smaller he/she is on ultrasound, the poorer the outlook is. Babies who are noted to be small earlier in pregnancy tend to have a higher chance of being affected by infection or genetic problems.
You will require additional ultrasound scans and antenatal visits with your gynaecologist for close monitoring.
If your baby is meant to small (but healthy), you will be able to carry your baby to term.
If your baby is growth restricted, the timing and method of delivery will depend on a few factors including:
Every case needs to be individualised and your gynaecologist will advise you on this.
If your pregnancy has no other issues, you may be able to have a normal vaginal birth. You will need close monitoring throughout the process, as baby (being small) has a higher chance of having an abnormal heart trace during labour requiring an emergency C-section.
If your baby’s growth is severely restricted, there is abnormal blood flow/ low amniotic fluid level on ultrasound scan, or if your baby’s heart trace is abnormal, he/she may not be able to tolerate the stress of natural labour and your gynaecologist may recommend a C-section. Your baby will need to be checked by the neonatologist on birth.
That depends on the cause of your small baby previously. If the cause is modifiable e.g. better control of medical problems, stop smoking – these should be done immediately. For example, if you had pre-eclampsia in your previous pregnancy that resulted in a small baby, your gynaecologist will be able to start you on aspirin early in this pregnancy.
Certain factors that are non-modifiable cannot be helped – however, your gynaecologist will be able to arrange for additional ultrasound scans to monitor the growth of your baby closely.
Ovarian cysts are common gynaecological disorder, occurring in 10-20% of women. Ovarian cysts are […]
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