Ovarian cysts are common gynaecological disorder, occurring in 10-20% of women. Ovarian cysts are […]
A laparoscopy (keyhole) is a minimally invasive surgery performed under general anaesthesia with a 1cm cut in the umbilicus and three to four 0.5cm cuts in the abdomen. The abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas, and a laparoscope (camera) is inserted through the umbilicus with other instruments inserted through the smaller cuts, so as to perform the surgery.
Laparoscopic surgery is frequently performed for gynaecological conditions including:
Laparoscopy is generally a safe and commonly done procedure. Overall risk of complications is low but can be higher in certain conditions e.g. endometriosis, obesity, previous abdominal surgeries, previous infections, cancers – you should discuss these with your gynaecologist.
Risks of laparoscopy include:
Common (affecting 1-5% of patients):
Uncommon (affecting 0.1-1% of patients):
Rare (affecting <0.1% of patients)
Death: the risk is approximately less than 3-8 in 100,000.
Photo credit: BruceBlaus / Wikimedia Commons
Ovarian cysts are common gynaecological disorder, occurring in 10-20% of women. Ovarian cysts are […]
Have you been feeling discomfort in your lower abdomen, leaking a bit when you […]
Your first gynaecological visit is an essential step in taking charge of your reproductive […]
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